1. You are what you do, not what you say
2. When shaking hands, grip firmly and make eye contact, and never shake a hand sitting down

3. In a negotiation, never make the first offer
4. Act like you've been there before
5. When given a secret, keep it
6. Be like a duck: remain calm on the surface, paddle like crazy underneath
7. After writing an angry email, read it then delete it
8. Write down your goals
9. Be a good listener, don't just wait to talk
10. When in doubt, dress up
11. Be nice to those just starting out, reputations are built your entire life
12. Don't answer your phone at the table (yep - we're including texts and emails here, too)
13. Never raise your voice
14. Keep your word
15. Sometimes you must work twice as hard to get half of what they have

16. Make small correct decisions daily
17. Pause and collect your thoughts before answering important questions
18. If something is important to you, say it
19. Reinforce success
20. Believe in your ability to change your circumstances