All Categories - Razonia McClellan Public Relations
15 février 2019 ·
Fyre vs Hulu: are you #sponsored? Since Fyre Festival has become a hot topic and Hulu has...
22 mai 2020
Add These days, social media is cluttered with content from paid advertisements, to influencers...
1 mai 2020
In light of COVID-19 more people than usual are working remotely. Most people travel to a...
4 avril 2019 ·
Your content: drab to fab. Winter is officially over, thank god, and it’s finally time to bring...
21 mars 2019 ·
As an aspiring public relations professional, nothing is more satisfying than opening your social...
19 mars 2019 ·
Fashion, fashion, fashion. To keep it short, I LOVE IT! Everything from old prestigious fashion...
15 mars 2019 ·
Freedom of Information Day March 16, 2019 Tomorrow is Freedom of Information Day! To some, you...
It's International Women's Day! RMPR is celebrating the inspirational women in our lives by...
5 mars 2019 ·
Sometimes, I feel like a sticky-note queen, but it can quickly get out of hand. Have you ever...
13 février 2019
Whether it be a traditional V-Day or a special Gal-entine's day, our ladies love the day of love....
‘Tis the season to listen to Christmas Carols over and over and over again, right? That’s what I...
10 décembre 2018
We all know how it goes: school lets out and you retreat into your room for the next month and a...
26 novembre 2018
If there's one thing you should know about me, it's that I love Christmas. I love every single...
13 novembre 2018
I think the world – comic books geeks and regular folks alike – took a moment to pause for a...
7 novembre 2018
Stress: a physical, mental, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension. We all...
29 octobre 2018
It's Halloween season and that means candy! Here's what we like (and also what we don't). ...
16 octobre 2018
Today is Boss’s Day – a day where we take a step back and look at the boss we currently have and...
21 septembre 2018
In the PR industry, we write A LOT. We’ve all been there – spending countless hours having a...
10 septembre 2018
For the last two summers our office has taken a water challenge to try and up our water intake...
7 septembre 2018
There's so much to love about fall - from the crisp air to the candles to the sweaters and more....