We don’t all work with eccentric characters like Michael Scott. So, it’s safe to say that all our work environments are much different than that of Dunder Mifflin. If you’ve watched The Office, however, you can probably find some good work-life lessons behind all of the humor, like:

Don’t be too serious
We all have jobs to get done, so I’m not saying this to give you an excuse to do everything but your job. Rather, I’m meaning it as quit stressing so much kind of tip. Jim does his job, but he also pulls pranks to keep things lighthearted. Do something during the day that brings a little fun into the office!

Find the smaller joys
During your week, enjoy the good things that happen around the office. Whether it’s your boss bringing bagels in or going to lunch with your co-workers, find and appreciate the little things!

Patience is a virtue
If there’s one thing I hate being taught, it’s patience. However, The Office teaches us a lot about how important timing is. Sometimes you have to wait for things to fall into place, and that’s okay. It’s all apart of your journey.

Live in the moment
Sometimes we concentrate so hard on the future that we forget life is actually happening around us right now. There’s always a bigger goal you’re working towards, but sometimes you have to remind yourself that you could, in fact, be in the good old days.
So, rather you work at a place like Dunder Mifflin or spend several hours a day watching The Office, there's always something happening that can give you a laugh and teach you a lesson along the way!