We all (luckily) enjoying hanging out with each other outside of the office, and sharing products that we are liking, places we like to eat, and new activities we like to do. For example, our whole office has been going to spin classes at CYCLEBAR Lubbock and we are loving it even more when we all go together (you can typically catch us all on Wednesday’s for Hip Hop Humpday)! However, we are all different and do have some differing tastes, so here are some of our favorite health and beauty products that we swear by.

My favorite beauty product is mascara. I can’t live without it. I also wear a daily sunblock cream on my face to protect it, and typically some type of lipstick, gloss or chapstick to keep these puckers pretty. Other than coffee because it IS an antioxidant, my favorite health product is a good multi vitamin. It’s essential for women of all ages.

My favorite health product is… hand sanitizer (insert eye roll here from anyone that knows me). I’m a hand sanitizer junkie who stocks up every time I go to Bath & Body Works. Trust me, I never leave home without it. Especially during this gnarly cold & flu season, keeping your hands clean is important. WASH YOUR HANDS PEOPLE! And then sanitize after, just for safety. You might call it germophobic, I call it protecting my health.

The beauty product that I have used the longest is my CoverGirl Lash Blast mascara; I think the recent product change is called Full Lash Bloom. It has always been the smoothest and fullest application on my lashes, and some days I really need the help! The most recent product I’ve been using is one I also appreciate. I was never one to use foundation because I could never find one that worked well with my skin that was a reasonable price; this is a bit more important than having foundation for me because most of the time (except special occasions) I prefer my skin to feel free. However, I came across CoverGirl’s Outlast Stay Fabulous 3-in-1 foundation and sunscreen. It applied easily and I was surprised how well it evened out my red undertones with a matte finish that even at the end of a long day does not look oily, and doesn’t dry out my skin! I keep this one with me. Can you tell I love CoverGirl?
As far as health products, my number one go-to is water. It does so much for your body when you remember to drink it!

Fruit smoothies with chia seeds: I’ve been VERY into clean eating lately and searching for yummy and quick smoothies but also researching about different superfoods to put in them. I’ve been loving chia seeds lately but also flax seed and spirulina! Also, lip oil elixirs! I recently tried these from Covergirl and I love them. It’s like a better, smoother chapstick and I love the light oil feeling. I also really want to try to research and start taking daily vitamins that are good for me!

Reportedly used since the time of Cleopatra, spritzing rosewater on your face and/or drinking it has been known to hydrate the skin from the inside and outside! As we all know, well-hydrated skin looks and feels plump and healthy. Almost every beauty line is selling rosewater sprays these days, while more and more restaurants and even Amazon are selling rosewater to drink in flavors like Peach or Mango. I spritz my face after I put on my makeup in the morning, and throughout the day to feel refreshed and to give my makeup some life. Multi-use products are always a great choice for me, and anything that was good enough for Cleopatra is definitely good enough for me!

I cannot live without my Clinique water surge moisturizer and my Too Faced Born This Way foundation! The Clinique water surge moisturizer hydrates your skin but at the same time doesn’t feel thick and heavy like most moisturizers I’ve tried because it’s water/gel based! I love the Born This Way foundation for a lot of the same reasons as I love my moisturizer oddly enough, it doesn’t feel heavy on my skin and it doesn’t look caked on like so many other foundations that I’ve tried do. It’s so lightweight and buildable, and it stays on all day, even from the office and through spin class!
Let us know if you try anything from our list and what you think!