Your content: drab to fab.

Winter is officially over, thank god, and it’s finally time to bring back the color pop to your page. Your feed right now is probably filled with the winter blues and grays and you’re wondering just how to make the transition without changing your entire feed. But, how do you do that without posting a million times a day?
Here's a tip:
When cleaning out your feed and preparing for the spring posts, find a vibe that works for you. That means something as easy as changing up the preset or edit you use on your pictures.
If you don’t already have a preset they are super easy to get. One blogger that I love is Aspyn Ovard. She created her own photo presets and updates them slightly when the seasons change. She is still keeping her white and peach look but slowly adding some color.

Yes, people will notice but that’s exactly what you want. Notice brings attention and attention brings reactions!
One reason I love spring cleaning my social media feed is because it gives me a chance to get more creative and express my summer self. Change is so good and so needed especially on social media. Keeping up with the modern trend can seem hard but with one simple change of editing you can transform your page and be summer-ready!
Also, a new #hashtag never hurts either.
How do you change your feed with the seasons? Let us know!