Did you know July 1st was officially the “Half New Year”? I just read it’s an official holiday and the perfect time to make mid-year new resolutions. I feel reading that at this exact moment in my life was precisely what I needed because I am currently in full reset mode. I am pushing the reset button with several clients by being bold and brave. I am forgiving, and I mean TRULY forgiving, people who have hurt me in the past and moving on with a second chance at friendship or just moving on period. I am also pushing the reset button with my health. The latter is the biggest part of my reset focus.
Some already know my thyroid has been going crazy since my son was born seven years ago. About 4 years ago I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s. I have gone from doctor to doctor and only really treating the disease one part at a time. Sometimes it was treating Hashimoto’s and sometimes it was finding the right medicine to replace my inactive thyroid. I learned a lot from some great minds and now I am putting all the pieces of the puzzle together at once. I am ready to treat it entirely: proper meds, proper supplements, proper exercise, and proper diet (after all, it’s basic science that our bodies have the ability to heal themselves, right?)
So here I am, sitting at my desk eating my second meal of the day consisting of a protein, sautéed vegetables, and water. I haven’t had any grains, sugar, dairy, or fruit today. This will be my life over the next two weeks. Eat every four hours, but nothing super fun….or…can I have fun with it? As a foodie, I don’t like being told I can’t have a certain type of food, but this is where my vast knowledge of the food industry comes into place. I have so many chefs, recipes, and general food knowledge at my fingertips.
So my first tip for a whole body rest is….
Have fun with it!
I plan to use this time to search for new recipes and get creative with my meals. I also hired a nutritionist to create some recipes for me for the next four weeks for only $75.
Focus on the positive
Insert fifth grade Razonia here singing in a school play… “You gotta accen-tuate the positive…eeee-lim-uh-nate the negative…latch oooon the affirmative and don’t mess with Mr. In Betweeeeeeen!” This was one of my favorite grade school songs to this day! If there was any video I would totally share with you. However, thank God there isn’t! When I was first diagnosed with Hashi I went gluten-free instantly. At the time I was feeling the same frustration with cutting out gluten as I am not with having to be so incredibly strict on foods. I had a foodie friend who runs a little food site called Epicurious tell me …don’t focus on what you can’t have, focus on what you CAN have. It was the best advice. I realized I can’t change my situation, but I can change how I perceive it and how I act on it.
Don’t be hard on yourself
I am truly my own worst critic. I say things to myself that I wouldn’t dare allow someone else to say about themselves in my presence. Yet here I am studying myself in the mirror at times thinking awful thoughts. Well, NOT ANYMORE. There was a time when I loved myself and everything about me—maybe a little too much at times—and I refuse to accept anything less than self-love from this point forward. I am actually reading a book that was completely eye opening when it comes to this. It’s called How to Not Feel Like Sh*t Anymore by Andrea Owens. This book made me realize that sometimes we’re all too harsh on ourselves and it needs to stop. There are so many factors out there that are enough to make us feel deflated at times so we really need to become our own cheerleaders and cut ourselves some slack. Going through this reset I know there will be times I will mess up, but I will lovingly tell myself it’s alright.