The month of December brings back memory after memory from Christmases past. One thing we like to reminiscence about is what we received over the years from the people we love most. We know gifts aren’t the most important part of the holiday, but we’re thankful to have people in our lives that go out of their way during this season of giving to make us feel special.

What has been your favorite gift that you’ve received? Read below to find out what ours were!
Razonia: I have received some incredible gifts from my parents, husband, family, and friends over the years so it’s really hard to decide which is my favorite one. However, I am very fond of the giant mug my son painted for me one year. I also really loved the trampoline that Santa bought me when I was in Kindergarten. I had that trampoline until I was into my 30’s.
Korryn: Oh, St. Nick. I cannot possibly pick out what has been my favorite. I remember when I was younger getting fun things like an American Girl Doll, an Easy Bake Oven, or every season of Boy Meets World on DVD (Mr. Feeheeheehenaaaaaaay). As I’ve gotten older though, and as cliché as it sounds, my favorite present is the presence of family and being in the season. Sure, we make lists and tell each other what we would like to have – but in the end, I enjoy the memories made in the kitchen, around the TV watching the parade, and the other family Christmas traditions that stay the same year after year. I’ve noticed that year after year my list gets smaller, but my craving to have the same Christmas traditions happen again gets more and more intense.
Sarah: It’s really hard to pick a favorite present, but I do have some very memorable ones! One year, I received a whole set of kitchen things. At the time, I was really getting into cooking. It included a huge Christmas-y tray for carrying snacks or beverages and some tiny tools for my tiny hands. I still use the mini whisk when making a mug of hot chocolate. Speaking of beverages, it also came with a whole bunch of drink mixes, most of them holiday drinks. I don’t remember all of the details, but I do remember being off-the-wall overjoyed at receiving it. And I’m sure my family did mind having a “more prepared” little hostess around either 😉. I see your parenting tricks, Mom and Dad. Another year, my brothers and I each received a giant stuffed animal. Mine was a panda bear. At the time, it was larger than me! It’s still pretty large now, and I won’t let my parents get rid of it. Partly because it matches the chic décor of the room I grew up in, and partly because I still love it so much.
Audrey: My favorite gift was from my parents 7 years ago. It was a DSLR camera. I was making beauty youtube videos and they got me a better camera to do that. It meant so much to me that they supported my love for beauty and fashion and I still have and use that camera now.
Amber: The best gift I ever got was Bella, my cat. Not only did I feel good about being able to save her from the pound, but her constant antics and love-y moods help make all the bad days better and hopefully will for, quite possibly, the next 15 years. She is a present that keeps on giving!